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Midtown Plaza Informational Video | February 16, 2025
Charter Oak Church


During our Family Meeting at each of our campuses, we introduced an incredible opportunity that has been seven years in the making. We are prepared to purchase a permanent location for our Crossroads Campus in downtown Greensburg at 450 South Main Street, also known as the Mid-Town Plaza. Although it’s a commercial property, it is currently owned by First Evangelical Lutheran Church. On Sunday, February 2, their church members voted to give authority to their Council to move forward with selling the property to us. Our members will have the opportunity to vote to approve this purchase on Thursday, February 20 at 6:30pm at the Frye Farm Campus. At our Family Meeting we received many questions across our campuses. Therefore, we compiled a list of the frequently asked questions and answered them. 

What are the major cons or risks associated with purchasing the Mid-Town Plaza?


  • There are risks with purchasing any property. One of the principles we seek to live by at Charter Oak Church is to take risks without being reckless. We are doing our due diligence through inspections of the building and evaluating current tenant leases that we legally must uphold. We are working with our bank to provide financing that we can afford. By mid-February we will present a more detailed plan so our members will be equipped to make a wise decision at the Church Conference vote on February 20.  


What are the logistics of Charter Oak Church becoming a landlord? Who answers the phone when a tenant has a problem?  


  • Part of the financial model for this project includes hiring someone who will oversee the development and maintenance needs of the property. 


What part of the building would we occupy and why? Why would we not go into the portion along Main Street? 


  • The campus would occupy the far-right section of the building because it is the largest non-divided and same-level space. It is also next to a part of the property we could expand into with the growth of the campus. Additionally, the higher demand for the space along South Main Street provides us with a greater income opportunity.  


Who is renting any portion of the building now? 


  • Current leases are Dollar General, and two small businesses in the space above the old Lighting Gallery. A few businesses and people are leasing parking spaces. 


Are there concerns about attracting tenants since the property is not currently 100% occupied? Can we afford the property without additional rental income? 


  • There have been a few interested parties in leasing space, but until we own the property, we can’t pursue any of those options. With the current leases, we can afford to pay for the purchase of the property with a commercial mortgage. We will need to lease additional tenant spaces to cover the costs of a construction loan for renovating the campus space and the plaza property. 


Why own the property and not just rent it? 


  • The First Evangelical Lutheran Church is looking to sell the property. Purchasing the property also gives us complete oversight of who is in the plaza and provides a way for us to continue to expand as the campus grows. 


Would our church deny tenants if not in line with our beliefs? 


  • We would prayerfully consider all requests to lease any part of the property. We will wisely and faithfully steward the property.  


When will renovation start? Who will do the work? 


  • Renovations could start after we have purchased the building and have paid a 20% down payment on the construction costs. We don’t have a date for when we will start renovations. We have not selected a construction company but have been working with a couple through this evaluation process. 


When do we think we could be in the new building? 


  • Closing typically takes up to 90 days. Construction planning will take another 3 months, and the buildout is estimated to take 5-8 months. At some point we will need to raise additional funds through a capital campaign. Church Council is prayerfully considering what will be included in the campaign. 


What is the current parking situation on Sundays/weekends? How would we handle current and future leased parking? 


  • Leased parking is Monday – Friday. Our financial model includes continuing to generate revenue through leased parking. 


Would we welcome other churches to use parking spaces on Sundays? 


  • We would treat our parking lot on Sunday mornings as a public parking lot. 


What programs are happening at the Greensburg elementary and middle schools? Will these programs change to meet at the new campus rather than at the schools? 


  • Club Crossroads will continue meeting at Hutchinson Elementary School and Middle Ground will continue meeting at the Greensburg-Salem Middle School. We believe God has called us to meet our community where they are, build relationships with them, and then invite them to worship God with us. 


Will the new campus have a space for a Christian Counseling Associates office, as there is now? 


  • We are grateful for our relationship with Christian Counseling Associates and hope they will move with us. 


Will the new campus continue with two services on Sunday mornings after the move?  


  • Our plan is to continue with two services at our current times, at 9:00 and 11:00am because research demonstrates that having more than one worship service gives a greater opportunity to reach more people for Jesus. 


Will the Crossroads Campus still have outdoor worship in the summers? 


  • We will make that decision the summer after we move into the new location. 


Will there be a place for a kitchen? 


  • We have not finalized the design of the campus; however, inclusion of a kitchen is currently in the design. 


Do we have any plans for the Garden Street property we own?  


  • At this point in the discernment process, we don’t have clarity from God on our next steps with the Garden Street property. We can choose to sell the land to generate cash to fund construction or hold on to it for future development. Church Council will make that decision after we have secured the Mid-Town Plaza. 


When does our current lease at Crossroads Plaza expire? 


  • Our lease at the Crossroads Plaza is renewed annually every December. 


Where will campus #5 be?  


  • We are searching for who our next campus pastor will be. We want to make sure that we match who that person is and what that person’s gifts are to our next location.  


What specific capital expenses at each campus will be covered in the capital campaign?  


  • At this point in the discernment process, we haven’t made any final decisions on campus projects. At the Church Conference we will only be voting on the purchase of the Mid-Town Plaza. More information will follow about the potential projects at each of the campuses. 


Is absentee voting available for the Church Conference on February 20? 


  • Members must be present to vote. 


What specifically will we be voting on? 


  • We will be voting on Church Council’s recommendation to purchase the Mid-Town Plaza at 450 South Main Street in Greensburg, which includes the parking lot for $1,250,000.  



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